
When You Should Use a Diffuser or a Humidifier?

Essential oils are the best natural scents that are useful in treating mild to moderate illnesses bodily issues nervous problems, as well as to improve general health and wellness for a person. But due to the fact that every bodily issue requires a certain amount of these natural oils and not all of the health problems can be solved using the same amount of essential oils.

In order to fulfill the various needs and to cure various issues through essential oils, diffuser come to provide a wide range of options to give you the exact amount and form of essential oils, Diffusers come as an ultrasonic diffuser, humidifiers and also nebulizers. Among these the nebulizers are much different from the humidifier and the ultrasonic diffusers while diffusers and humidifiers are a much closer version of each other that are used for diffusing EO’s around you. The difference is that in a humidifier the diffusion occurs when the EO’s are used in combination with water and the diffuser makes a coll mist in the room or the place and also increases the humidity or moisture level in the air. While in an ultrasonic diffuser only the oil gets diffused in the oil without increasing the moisture in the air.

Now people often get mixed up with these two versions and they don’t know what they should have.

The best thing is that you should buy an essential oil diffuser and humidifier in combination, in a single diffuser that is easily available. If you have a combination of both, you will be able to use any of the features according to your needs:

When to use a humidifier instead of a diffuser?

If you need an increased moisture in the air
If you need to cover a large space
If you need to treat some external bodily issues like skin allergies
If the air around you is very hot and dry

When to use a diffuser instead of a humidifier?

  • If you need a mild scent around your room
    In case the diffuser has to be placed in a small room
    If you don’t need to increase the moisture and only need to have a soft fragrance

These are some of the most common conditions when you may switch between both of the functions of an aromatherapy diffuser. And if you have a diffuser that has both features, then you will not have to worry about buying separate ones for different purposes.